New Game is live!

It has just been posted in Steam Forums that a fan recently visited Valve’s Headquarters and got a sneak peak from all the projects currently in development. Surprisingly enough, he says he saw New Game in action!

As Political Gamer claims he saw New Game being played! He actually saw the game and stated: “After waiting in the lobby for a few minutes it turned out Gabe was in the office and wanted to say hi. To my great delight he was playing New Game when we walked in and from what I can see the game already looks very promising!”

If this is true, and we have no reason not to believe it, then apparently Vave’s silence is a marketing choice and it isn’t because of lack of info on the game! This is big news, since with this new update, the game might still be on track for the release date originally stated Q4 of 2011. Official News In any case these are great news and while we are all really jealous of “Political Gamer”, we are at the same time really grateful too for the information he shared with us.

Re-cap of other, non-New Game related, important info:

  1. They use very high end computers when a game is in development (i7, 6GB DDR3 Ram, 128GB SSD, Nvidia 580) but they still test on lower end comps
  2. Steam will get video recording “soon”
  3. Steam might come to iOS/Android
  4. Source will maker will be made public “soon”
  5. Meet the Medic is badass
  6. Portal 2: GOTY hands down