One more time, VALVe shows what a great company they are; the community’s voice has been heard. [UPDATED]
September 10, 2011
You have made your voice heard, and Valve quickly got to work redesigning the heroes that needed improvements. Here are some screenshots posted here showing the new looks (click on the screenshots for the full size versions):
[UPDATE]: All the new hero models have been added!
Shadow Fiend looks more intimidating with the wing frames and darkened eyes:
Axe gets introduced to the game:
Beastmaster has more details on him:
Drow Ranger’s curves are emphasized:
Earthshaker with more details on him:
Earthshaker’s ulti looks way more devastating now:
Mirana (tiger) slightly different than her previous model:
Anti-Mage with new blades and face:
Crystal Maiden with added colors:
Doom with new horns and armor:
Pudge with new hair and chains behind him:
Slardar with more details on him:
Storm Spirit’s model appears to be a little bit bigger:
Lina with new clothes (and a sexier face):
On a side note, we also see the inclusion of the shopkeeper from the trailer in the fountain. Take a look:
So, what do you think now? Are you satisfied with the new looks or did you wait even greater changes? Like total remodeling for some heroes? Well either way, VALVe seems to take the community seriously even from the early beginning and I believe this is a very important thing to note here. The game is not even out yet and VALVe is remodeling all of their models based on our feedback! This is impressive!